Happy New Year from Hungary!

Tony san JP írta: Have fun for Christmas and the New Year
Hello from Japan and thank you Kiszebi for the introduction.kiszsebi írta:Hi everybody!
We have a new member from Japan.
His is Tony san JP.
He plans the big trip: Japan to GB.
Webpage of this trip:
Welcome Tony san JP!
Tony has been a big tour around Scandinavia in 1994 by his Honda:
The picture shows the phone number, but quality is bad.bixic írta: This is the store I was talking about. And somehow, found a phone number on the web.
you are welcome!bixic írta: ok, thank you very much. I'll Buy a beer if you ever meet.
Sub-ee told me, it is that!bixic írta:I'm not sure if they sell parts for MZ? A friend told me for that store, I never been there.
Hi Bixic!bixic írta:Please help. I need the phone number of one MZ parts stores in Pecs. I only know that at the entrance Kross bike picture is hanged.
yes, and her kid's name may bee "bixic"Dénes írta:That's the Lake Balaton summer... maybe Ilona has 4 kids now...but sometimes she remember the Croatian MZ rider.
you don't have to thanks to us because you are a member of our club. and i did not know the "any more" expression what means usual, but a frend told me in Hungarian.bixic írta:Don't get me wrong, it was 8 years a go, we only spend those 3 days and nights together, she never call, I never wrote a letter... Her name was Ilona, I remembered that baecuse that name symbolizes flame of torch, and now I just hope that the flame still burning and that she remembers me too sometimes...
Jahhh, I sound so funny to my self, just ignore my last post...
And for that other part ot post, I can't thank you enough...
Yes, the parts of MZ quality decreased and costs increased. Write a list to forum what you would like to buy, and we will try to purchase from store or second hand. Use those part number in our books, please!bixic írta:Hello everyone
I travel to Hungary to buy parts for MZ. Here it is we can find them in stores, only resellers who charge expensive. And in addition to my motorcycle and I have maintained, repaired a lot of other motorcycles, mostly MZ. In recent years MZs is less on our roads so I do not work on them anymore. But love for MZ is not extinguished through all this years. I noticed the difference between Hungary and 5 years ago today. Unfortunately, it seems to me that change is not for the better. Product prices have increased several times and the quality decreased. I remember the first time I came to Hungary was a country of workers and peasants, and all were smiling. I was once on the Balaton lake, spent 3 unforgettable days in the company of one lady from Budapest ... I'd like to met again, but I can not remember the name any more ... Sorry, a little too much writing ...
ok, I see.bixic írta:Problem with web shops is that you can not take the product into the hands and feel there is quality in it or just look nice in the picture. We also have a web address to me shops in Germany, but again, not Croatia and the EU have a problem with delivery ..
yes, I've got a webshop link from Gyurmooo:Dénes írta: (Többiek? Tudtok valami értelmes boltról?:) )
You have really nice bike.
Dénes - denes89
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